entry criteria
entry criteria
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Are there any entry fees?
No. All submissions to the LAUNCH programme are free of charge.
Is there a limit to how many times we can enter?
No. You can enter as many times as you like!
Can we enter the Professional brief if I’m under 30, but my partner isn’t?
Unfortunately not. In order to be eligible, both individuals in a Creative team must still be 29 years of age as at Friday November 29th, 2024.
Can we enter the Student brief if I meet the criteria, but my partner doesn’t?
Unfortunately not. In order to be eligible, both individuals in a Student team must meet the Criteria.
When will the winning team be announced?
The winning team for each brief, as well as select number of finalist teams, will be announced in December 2024 (exact date TBC).
For the Student brief, do we have to be enrolled in a Uni course or degree, or similar, to be eligible?
No, as long as you aren’t currently employed in a creative role within an agency, you can enter.
Is the $10,000 prize money taxed?
Yes, by law, we are required to deduct the applicable taxes and superannuation when paying the prize money to the winning team.
Can we submit ideas for the Professional brief if one or both of us are not currently employed in the industry?
Absolutely! Ideas can come from anywhere. You both just need to be under the age of 30.
Can we submit ideas for the Professional brief if we are based in Australia but outside of Sydney or Melbourne?
Yes you can! Whilst the programme outlines a focus on Sydney and Melbourne initially, this relates more so for the Student brief. For the Professional brief, as long as you are working and/or living anywhere in Australia, you can submit ideas.
Do we need to take up the full-time job offer if we are the winning Student team?
This programme is designed to get the winning Student team into the industry. If you meet the criteria to enter but are not looking to accept the full-time role if you win, then it’s probably best that you don’t enter. And if you’re under 30 years of age, you could have a go at the Professional brief instead.